Ice Cube Ice Cube - Once Upon a Time In The Projects

Once upon a time in the projects, yo
I damn near had to wreck a ho
I knocked on the door - "who is it?"
It's ice cube, come to pay a little visit to ya
And what's up with the niggers in the parking lot

She said fuck em, cause they get sparked alot
I sat on the couch but it wasn't stable
And then I put my nikes on the coffee table
Her brother came in he's into gangbangin
Cause he walked up and said "what set you claimin"

I don't bang I write the good rhymes
The whole scenery reminded me of good times
I don't like to feel that I'm put in a rut
By a young nigga that needs to pull his pants up
He threw up a set and then he was gone
I'm thinkin to myself, won't this bitch bring her ass on

Her mother came in with a joint in her mouth
And fired up the sess it was sess no doubt
She said please excuse my house and all that
I said yeah cause I was buzzed from the contact
Lookin at a fucked up black and white
Her mom's bitchin cause the county check wasn't right

She had another brother that was three years old
And had a bad case of the runny nose
He asked me who I was then I had to pause
It smelled like he took a shit in his little drawers
I saw her sister that needs get her ass kicked

Only thirteen and already pregnant
I grabbed the forty out the bag and took a swig
Cause I was getting overwhelmed by bebe kids
They were runnin and yellin and playin and cursin
And tellin and look at this young punk bailin
I heard a knock on the door without the password

And her mom's got the 12 guage mossberg
The nigga said "yo, what's for sale"
And the bitch came out with a bag of yayo
She made the drop and got the 20 dollars
From a smoked out fool with ring around the collar

The girl I was waiting for came out
I said bitch I didn't know this was a crack house
I got my coat and suddenly
(Police breaking into house annoucing themselves)
The cop busted in and had a mac-10 pointed to my dome
And I said to myself once again it's on

He threw me on the carpet and wasn't cuttin no slack
Jumped on my head and put his knee in my back
First he tried to slap me up, wrap me up, rough me up
They couldn't do it so they cuffed me up
I said fuck how much abuse can a nigga take

Hey yo officer you're making a big mistake
Since I had on a shirt that said I was dope
He thought I was selling base and couldn't hear my case
He said get out my face and musta had a grudge
His reply tell that bullshit to the judge

The girl I was with wasn't sayin nothin
I said aiyyo bitch you better tell em somethin
She started draggin and all of a sudden
We all got tossed in the paddy wagon

Now I beat the rap but that ain't the point
I had a warrant so I spent 2 weeks in the joint
Now the story you heard has one little object
Don't fuck with a bitch from the projects!